How To Keep Good Staffing Workers Coming Back For More
During the holidays or summer season, a lot of business owners find themselves in need of extra staffing help on a temporary basis.
But at times, it can seem like getting good staffing help is a pipe dream.
After all, most qualified workers probably seek and remain at full time positions with more stability, right?
While that thinking may have some truth, the bigger picture is that for a wide variety of reasons, some high performing candidates find themselves needing or wanting to work seasonal jobs.
College students, stay at home parents, part time employees, and retirees are just a few of the people who may enjoy a temporary position at your company so much that they return year after year.
“For many people, temporary work is a career choice. While this is more common in the tech sector, the consulting life offers some benefits that just fit well with certain personalities and lifestyle choices.
Some people thrive on being exposed to ‘new’ job responsibilities, management styles, and co-workers. Temporary and project-based positions can offer all of these.
Others enjoy the flexibility and not being obligated to one company for a bulk of their careers. The contract temporary work world allows for that to happen.”
But the real question is, when you find that great staffing worker, how do you do your part to make sure they want to return when you need extra help throughout the year, or even years?
Here are some guidelines that will help you make sure your star staffing staff is so happy that they’re willing to keep coming back:
Make It Clear That Temporary Workers Are A Part Of The Team
It’s not uncommon for staffing staff to feel that they aren’t “real” employees.
After all, everyone at the company – including them – knows they were hired to fill a short term need, and they will be gone just as soon as business slows back down.
But even if this is the case, it’s critical that you make your staffing staff feel welcomed into your companies family.
Make it a point to introduce your staffing staff to your current employees. You may even choose to order a celebratory lunch or take your staff out to a happy hour to make sure that your new worker feels involved, appreciated, and has a chance to socialize with everyone.
It’s also a good idea to create a simple onboarding process for your temporary workers.
This can include some company history, short and long term company goals, and mission statements.
You want your staffing staff to care about what you’re doing, and to feel as involved and motivated as your full time staff to help the business reach its goals.
And as long as your staffing staff is present, make sure they feel like permanent staff.
Include them in meetings, add their name to the morning coffee run, and make sure they have all of the tools and help they need to succeed on a daily basis.
Take Time To Properly Train Your Staffing Staff
Another common grievance in the staffing world is a lack of training for staff hired on a short term basis.
It’s not hard to see why this happens. By the time many business owners realize they need temporary help, they are so swamped they can barely keep their heads above water.
As a result, staffing employees often get thrown in before they’re aware of all of the job nuances, and they are often met with frustration or penalties when errors are made.
During your onboarding process, it really is critical that you take the time to thoroughly train staffing staff as you would a full time employee, and allow them to shadow a knowledgeable staff member until they are ready to be on their own.
You may choose to only have your staffing staff focus on smaller responsibilities, but it is your job to make sure they understand and have the tools to succeed at the responsibilities they are given.
Smart business owners can also anticipate their temporary staff needs year over year, and will give themselves plenty of time to find a good worker and properly train them before the season gets out of hand.
This method may mean you pay your staffing employees for a little longer than you actually “need” them, but if you want a successful relationship, and a successful season, it’s worthwhile.
Give Appropriate Incentives For Good Performance
Temporary staff appreciates a good incentive just like everyone else, and your busy season is a great time to set some company wide goals that includes all of your employees.
You can choose a contest, a day trip, gift cards, or a bonus added to your staff’s checks for meeting quota, avoiding major errors, or just having great performance.
Your staffing staff will not forget the job benefits you offered them, and will be more likely to return again.
Encourage Your Staffing Workers To Return Next Season
One thing many business owners forget to do is to ask their temporary staff to return.
At the end of the season, get your temporary workers a card and a small gift of appreciation, and let them know that you would love to see them again next season.
These small things leave a memorable impression and will keep your best workers coming back.
And don’t forget to ask them if they would be open to a more permanent position, should the need arise. Great temporary staff can make a seamless transition to full time team members.