How To Pivot Your Career In 2021

Jan 25, 2021Blog, Employee Hiring and Retention


Have you been struggling in your current career path? Or perhaps you’ve lost your job due to the pandemic? 

The good news is, it’s never too late to change course, become more financially successful, and enjoy your life. 

Despite the challenges many of us faced in 2020, you can still pivot your career this year. With help from Infinity Staffing, a California agency for finding jobs, you can land your dream job in 2021.

Read on for timely advice from one of the best recruitment agencies…

Find An In-Demand Job That You Are Passionate About

The first step to switching to a more successful career is to find a job that is in high demand. 

To do this you need to research growing careers in your state. A little online research will help you discover what jobs are in high demand and are growing quickly in your area.

You can also research what careers have high wages and excellent benefits. (This website is a great resource.) 

With this information, you can decide which options blend well with your skills, likes, and education.

When you work to find in-demand jobs your career path will be much more successful and you are more likely to thrive financially.

While you are doing this research consider your interest areas and passions. If your new career is something that does not keep your interest or you have no passion for it – even if it’s growing – then you are unlikely to stick with this career for long. 

It is important that the career you pivot to this year is both in high demand and is something you are interested in. 

And if you don’t know where to start, an agency for finding jobs in your area can help!

Apply Your Skills To A New Career Path 

It’s important to understand the skills you already possess so you can work to apply them to your new career path. As you pivot your career it is important to use your current skills while growing new skills. 

Be aware that your skills can be used in multiple ways and can be applied in many different career paths. It is also important that you learn how to communicate your skills to potential employers and managers in a way that demonstrates your value.

Skills are a big thing that employers are looking for in their staff. When you are looking for a new job it is essential to be able to understand and communicate all of your skills to the people who interview you.

According to Forbes,

“Communicate your relevant experience in an interview. Instead of focusing on your lack of experience in a new industry, let your prospective employer know what skills you’ve honed that cross over from one industry to another, and emphasize how that has helped you thrive in your previous environment. 

For example, consider some skills that apply to all industries: 

  • Communication skills
  • Reliability
  • Problem-solving
  • Punctuality
  • Self-discipline 

These non-technical skills are called soft skills, and they are extremely important, because they determine what kind of worker you are, regardless of the setting you’re in or tactical abilities you have.”

Throughout your life work on growing your skills and learning more. This will truly help you have a more successful life.

best staffing agencies

Fill Gaps In Your Knowledge And Education As Necessary 

Much like with skills, having the proper knowledge and education for the career path you are interested in is incredibly important. 

If you already have all of the necessary education for the career path you’re interested in that is great! However, more knowledge can always be gained through training, reading…etc. 

If you don’t have all of the education you need for your desired new career path then don’t worry! It is not too late to further your education. You can continue to learn, and go to college, take certificate courses, or obtain further training.

There are plenty of resources out there to help you continue to gain knowledge or to further your education – and many are free. 

You can research programs, colleges, training, and certificate programs in your area. Find the right program or college to help you fill in the gaps in your education and knowledge. 

Grow Your Knowledge Of Online Tools 

A good understanding of the many online resources and tools is an important ability to have in nearly every career in today’s society. 

Online tools can be a great asset and being knowledgeable about the various tools offered online can be a real game changer in your career. 

Check out this guide to brush up on your tech skills.  

This new knowledge will keep you up to date on what you need to know to be a great employee in 2021.

Get Help From The Best Recruitment Agencies 

Ready to begin your switch to a new career that you will love this year?

Contact Infinity Staffing today!