Whether you are actively looking for job opportunities or you simply want to expand your network, Creating a LinkedIn Profile is a critical asset that you need.
But just like crafting your resume, you should invest much time and thought in creating a LinkedIn profile.
Here are some tips that will help you in Creating a LinkedIn Profile that gets noticed:
Go beyond plain text
Plain text can get boring fast. If you want to truly stand out, you have to veer away from the beaten path.
To do this, consider adding visual elements to your profile. Take advantage of LinkedIn’s Professional Portfolio feature and add your recent works like photos, videos, slide presentations and even PDFs.
Add elements that you cannot include in your resume
Because of the limited nature of hard copy resumes, experts specializing in resume services suggest whittling these down to the essentials.
With your LinkedIn profile, you are given more leeway in terms of what you can include. Consider adding notes about your volunteer work, your past successes, and even short-term courses you have taken.
Don’t leave your profile summary blank
Take advantage of the summary portion and craft a short but well-composed paragraph which describes who you are.
Consider adding passages about things that you are passionate about or previous successes that you are truly proud of.
Reach out and connect
If you know someone who is not yet in your LinkedIn network, do not be afraid to reach out and connect.
But do remember to write and send a personal note instead of leaving your invitation blank.
Take advantage of LinkedIn groups
The groups you join show potential employers what your interests are.
But apart from that, these groups offer a few key benefits. For one, these groups are great resources for professionals. Second, you can join in on conversations about pressing issues.
“Finally, you can establish meaningful connections, help someone out, or get help from your peers.”
Ask and give recommendations
Recommendations can give your profile a big boost, demonstrating to viewers your expertise in specific skills.
Although LinkedIn has a request feature, you can solicit recommendations from the people in your network. And in order to sweeten the deal, you can give recommendations in return.
Keep your profile neat
With so many fields that you can fill out, your profile can easily get cluttered.
In order to make your profile stand out, you have to ensure that the details you provide can be easily found and digested by the person viewing it.
Consider using bullet points to make your profile look more organized.
Creating a LinkedIn Profile is only the first step to getting that dream job, click here to see what perfect job is waiting for you!